Autumn 10km (Also part of an interlocking medal)

The leaves are turning and the there’s a chill in the air, get those trainers out and take advantage of this awesome season! Sign up to this fantastic 10km event and reward yourself with a great medal.

This medal is also part of our Run the Seasons medal. This event has 4 interlocking medals, each one representing a season. Run 10km each season in 2021 and get 4 medals, that interlock together to show a huge medal design.

To sign up to our Run the Seasons event CLICK HERE! Enter this event and get 4 medals for the price of 3! (getting one medal free!)

Race: Autumn 10km

Distance to complete: 10km

Month to be completed in: Between September – December 2021

Cost to enter: £7 (inc UK delivery)

If you would like to do our Run the Seasons event (4 x 10km events all to be run during 2021) please click HERE. You will also get 4 medals for the price of 3 (getting one free!).

Evidence to be submitted by: 1st January 2022 (anything after this date will not be accepted and you will not receive your medal)

Please submit your proof, name and delivery address by emailing: 

Any more information regarding submitting your evidence can be found here: Submit the Evidence